Spirituality for Freethinkers and Nontheists

spirituality & spiritual growth

Many of us are freethinkers

Many members of our congregation consider themselves to be freethinkers or nontheists – that is, they do not accept or believe in a God or other deity with supernatural powers who cares about and intervenes in the affairs of humans on earth. This nonacceptace of theism can take different forms, or be called by different names, such as humanism, atheism, freethinking, secularism or agnosticism. Yet all of these members find the North Shore Unitarians a welcome home, and supportive place for living a life of depth, meaning and purpose.

Rejection of the supernatural aspects of religion does not require the rejection of all aspects of religion, nor the lessening of the human desire and need for fulfillment of our spiritual selves. Many of our members first came to Unitarian Universalism because they were in search of a place that encouraged spirituality and spiritual growth without the requirement of the supernatural beliefs of traditional religions – that is, in the existence of a god who watches over and intervenes in human affairs, or in miracles, heaven and hell, and similar beliefs.

Finding a spiritual home here, without the supernatural

In our North Shore Unitarian community nonbelievers as well as believers will find many of the precious, touching and consoling things that human have long looked for religions to provide – an accepting and understanding community of fellow humans, inspiration and assistance with finding purpose and meaning in life, consolation in times of sorrow and grief, joy in times of celebration, and opportunities to connect with or be of service to others meaningfully – all without the supernatural.