During May, we collected $852 for McLaren Housing, which provides housing assistance to people living with Aids. Thank you to all who donated.
We're hiring!
We are looking for a dynamic Youth Program & Connections Coordinator. Interested applicants should email their resume and cover letter to marcus@northshoreunitarians.ca by May 31st at 5pm.
Additional details HERE.
June newsletter is released!
June's newsletter is available HERE. It's full of information about recent and upcoming events at North Shore Unitarian Church -- including June's services.
Join a Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) Roundtable Conversation on Archives
The CUC will be hosting a roundtable conversation on Archives on Saturday, May 27th at 9:30 a.m. PDT -- and you're invited!
Please join us as we explore how to safely and appropriately preserve records for our congregational archives. We will be joined by several experienced people who will share the practices within their congregations, both regarding protocols and storage options. Participants will then be welcomed to share their questions, practices, and ideas.
Register HERE.
Invitation to attend a Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) Retreat
Do you wish that you experienced your participation in your congregation as an expression of ministry, not primarily an obligation to do your part? We invite you to a weekend to explore where you find the “springs” which fill your life’s well of energy, and how you can live out of that rich resource. There will be opportunities to connect with and be informed by other UUs, times to engage with others as we learn new and hone familiar strategies, and space to do deep reflection, identifying and strengthening the rich practice potential in your own life.
Returning to your home communities with a stronger network, you will have a fresh perspective from which to re-engage personally along with some rejuvenating ideas to explore with your congregation as you seek to deepen a shared experience.
There are two locations and dates from which to choose! People from across the country are welcome to select the one that suits them best. We encourage congregations to help identify potential attendees and to "tap leaders on the shoulder", encouraging them to attend and to consider providing some financial support.
Eastern: July 21-23, University of Waterloo. Register HERE.
Western: August 18-20, Providence Retreat Centre, Edmonton. Register HERE.
Registration Deadline: June 15, 2017
Youth Group Paints "Happiness"
What does "Happiness" look like? Recently, our Youth Group participated in a painting project in which their goal was to portray happiness. Using bright colours and a variety of interpretations, they created beautiful works of art that will be displayed in our Sanctuary as part of the art show in November.
Youth Group plants butterfly and bee friendly garden
On May 14th, our youth planted a special garden on the church grounds. It features plants that are attractive and helpful for bees and butterflies!
May Outreach Recipient: McLaren Housing
During the month of May, 50% of our Outreach/Inreach collections will be given to McLaren Housing, which provides "safe, secure and affordable housing and support services for families and individuals living with HIV/AIDS to increase the opportunity for improved health, wellness, independent living and sense of community" (quote from their website). Please make your cheque payable to "North Shore Unitarian Church" (or "NSUC").
Dinner & Auction - 5pm on May 6, 2017
Important Links:
- UPDATED Auction list - including Live and Silent auctions.
- Calendar list showing activities in date order.
- Supplementary information - including MUST READ Guatemala trip details, and more!
- Absentee Order Form so you can bid ahead of time.
Tickets are available from the church office during office hours (M-F, 8:30am - 3pm) for $10, or at the door for $15.
Child Care:
Free child care if your RSVP to Lynn ahead of time (lsabourin@northshoreunitarians.ca).
Absentee Order Forms:
Can't attend the auction? No problem! You can browse the list of items for sale, and fill out an Absentee Order Form! Be sure to turn it in to Jim Stephen by May 5th..
Wine & Chocolate Wanted:
If you can, please bring a bottle of wine or some chocolate to add to the door prize treasure.
What to Expect:
In addition to yummy food, and laughter, there will be new events and opportunities to bid on. We have shortened the live auction and expanded and improved the silent auction to ensure an exciting and fast paced evening!
Come and enjoy the fun!
Registration Open for Children's Spring Adventure!
"Opening Doors"
Children’s Spring Adventure
June 23-25, 2017
for Unitarian Children ages 9-12
at Cheakamus Centre in Brackendale, B.C.
The program will include crafts, stories, outdoor games and activities, leadership training and earth-based worship along with free time for hikes and journaling. This retreat is sponsored by the North Shore Unitarian Church, and is open to Unitarian kids in the Lower Mainland on a first come first served basis. We are committed to a positive, fun, and engaging time for all. Dinners will be prepared by catering staff of Cheakamus Centre. The adult leaders for the weekend are: Lynn Sabourin, Erin McNeill, Dennis Cooper, and Phil Watt. More info and registration form HERE.