Our congregation encourages people to use the resources at their command to lead lives of meaning and purpose. Those resources take many forms including time, talent and treasure. Just look around our congregation. You’ll see that many people give generously in all three ways.
Charitable Giving
We believe that giving, financially or otherwise, is an essential ingredient in cultivating meaning and joy. Generosity is one hallmark of a life well lived.
Charitable giving in our community takes many forms including FUNfest events, contributions to special outreach projects, open collections, and an endowment fund. Most of the funds that support the ongoing efforts of our congregation come from our annual pledge campaign.
Learn more about the payment methods we accept.
Annual Pledge Process
Each Fall, our Stewardship Team conducts a campaign to contact members and friends to connect and invite them to make a pledge of financial support for the following year. The funds collected through the annual pledge process are key to our ongoing operations, enabling us to support our programs, staff and facilities.
See our current pledge campaign. Paper printouts of all of all Stewardship materials are also available on the foyer table, along with a locked box for returning paper pledge forms.
Endowment Fund
North Shore’s endowment fund provides a meaningful way to leave a legacy. Whether it celebrates a happy occasion (such as the birth of a child) or honours a lost loved one, the endowment fund empowers you to make a difference for future generations.
All contributions to the fund are tax deductible. The principal remains in perpetuity. The interest is spent in specific ways as approved by the congregation.
Making your contribution last is as easy as 1, 2, 3:
Email or call our Treasurer, who will answer questions, and confirm how you wish to proceed.
Send a cheque or payment details to the church, c/o Treasurer.
Relax, knowing that your contribution will make a difference in perpetuity.
Our Treasurer is available to discuss an Endowment or other gift if you desire.
Our congregation holds an annual auction, where fellow congregants offer up dinners, car rallies, costume parties, and various other creative social events for auction. Some people say that if it weren’t for the auction, they wouldn’t have a social life. FUNfest contributes $20,000 or more to our operating funds most years. All funds raised generate a tax receipt for the service providers. Learn more about FUNfest here.
Other Ways To Be Generous
There are many other opportunities in our community to practice generosity.
Each Sunday, we share our plate collection with community organizations that share our values and hopes for the world. We call this Outreach.
Additionally, some generous people provide funds to support specific improvements to our building. Examples include: the art glass windows in the sanctuary, the lovely hardwood floor at the front of the sanctuary, and other specific needs that the church has along the way.
What other ways might you like to contribute to our endeavours in some lasting way? Please let us know.
““Mark Mayall loved and cared for this community. He wanted it to continue to thrive. In his memory, a bequest has been made to support its vitality.”
““I made a contribution to the fund in loving memory of my husband, John R. Cox. I’m so grateful to know it will remain in perpetuity, and that the annual income will benefit the church that represented so many of the values by which he lived.””
““This spiritual community has been important to me for over 20 years. By making a bequest to the endowment fund in my will, I can rest assured that future generations will benefit.””