Sunday Services

Our Services are held each Sunday at 10:30am (September through June) in our Sanctuary. We take a summer break during July, August, and the first Sunday of September. Here’s what’s coming up soon:

10:30am March 30th

“Tell Me Your Story”
with Bruce Grierson,
Bob Rentz & Ruth Sherwood

Oral history and what we remember about one another...with an assist from Bob Rentz and Ruth Sherwood. Ruth has been doing those great member profiles for the newsletter. Bob has a fantastic story of his heroic navy-chaplain grandfather (and an interest in family stories). In the Third Act of this service, the three of us, in the round, discuss what it's like to profile someone, and be profiled...)

10:30am April 6th

“From the Captain's Log: our mission to remove marine plastic from BC's northern shores”
with Marcia Stephenson, Randy Burke, and special guest musician Luke Wallace

When COVID struck in 2020, ecotourism in BC was facing total shut down. This Sunday, we’ll hear a first-person account of a pivot that salvaged biomes and livelihoods at the same time: the Marine Debris Removal Initiative. Longtime NSUC member Randy Burke, owner of Bluewater Adventures, will tell us the story of the expeditions, featuring action shots of crew hauling debris from beaches to barges. Kicking off Earth Month for us will be guest musician Luke Wallace, a local composer whose songs lift up the message of people acting together for the planet.

March’s Outreach:

What is Outreach?

Each month, we collect funds for a different non-profit organization whose mission is in line with our values. We call this “Outreach”. 100% of our Sunday morning collection plate (unless otherwise marked) is donated to the charity featured that month.

During March, our Outreach funds will be donated to the Youth Programs at Hollyburn Community Services Society. These programs assist youth (who are experiencing barriers) with emergency services, transitional housing, employment/work experience, and life/social skill development.

Gain inspiration anytime from viewing the services on our YouTube channel.

See our services on our youtube channel

Miss a service? Watch past Services on our YouTube Channel (the videos are usually available within a day).

Photos and videos are taken at many of our services and events, and are sometimes shared on YouTube or social media. If you do NOT want your image used, please notify the leader of your event and/or the person taking photos/videos

Typical Order of Service

  • Prelude

  • Chalice Lighting

  • Welcome

  • Music

  • Story

  • Reflection

  • Musical Reflection

  • Chalice Extinguishing

  • Closing Song