Potluck and "The Gift" Film Review, Sunday November 24th

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Sunday, November 24th

5pm Potluck

6:30pm Film

In celebration of what we anticipate to be a successful Stewardship Campaign, we invite the whole family to join us on Sunday, November 24th for a Potluck at 5pm in our Fireside Room, followed by the film “The Gift” at 6:30pm in our Sanctuary. See the trailer HERE.

The film is an intimate exploration of real-life gift economies.  It reflects on the creative process, the reasons we labour in service of our gifts, and a celebration of the imagination. Inspired by Lewis Hyde’s beloved classic “The Gift: Creativity & the Artist in the Modern World”, GIFT is a tribute to something that can’t be measured or counted, bought or sold.

This event is open to the general public. The Stewardship Team will provide baked goodies and non-alcoholic refreshments for the potluck; please bring a food dish to share.


"2020 Envision CONNECTION" Stewardship Campaign begins!

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Our annual Stewardship Campaign (formerly called “Canvass”) was launched on October 20th and runs through November 17, 2019. The results of this campaign will help us to plan for our 2020 Budget.

Donations from congregants are our primary source of funding for our operating expenses (including building maintenance, staff, programs, and utilities). So we encourage you to pledge generously.

Click on the following links for more information:

If you have questions, contact Treasurer Mark Pezarro or Janni in the Church Office.

Outreach Update

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Each month, we donate 100% of our offering plate (unless otherwise designated) to a charity whose mission is in line with our values. We call this “Outreach”.

During the month of September, we collected $1,733.90 for the St. James Music Academy, whose mission is to inspire Vancouver’s inner city youth to bring social transformation through the power and joy of music.

In October, our offering plate (unless otherwise indicated) will be donated to the North Shore Multicultural Society, which helps immigrants and refugees integrate successfully into life in Canada.

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Truth, Healing & Reconciliation

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7-9pm in our Sanctuary

two Wednesday nights each month


*Exact dates are shown on the Church calendar or are available from the Church Office

If you are committed to evolving your capacity to engage with Truth, Healing and Reconciliation between Canada’s settler population and Indigenous Nations, please join us for this series being offered by Catherine Strickland, Pat Meyer and

Indigenous Educator Sierra Tasi Baker.

The series provides the history and present realities of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada, so that we may develop relationships based on dignity, respect, and justice. It includes learning opportunities about the Residential School System and the broader context of colonization in which it occurred, including historical and present-day examples of injustices faced by Indigenous people.

The material will be both intellectually and emotionally challenging. Please commit to attending all sessions and to completing homework in between. Pat and Catherine will offer support and community in this journey for the duration of the program. Space is limited to 12 participants.

Register HERE.

Outreach Report for August

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Unless otherwise marked on an offering envelope or cheque, 100% of our offering plate donations are given to a different charity each month. During our two summer services in August, we collected $703 for Dying with Dignity Canada, a human-rights charity committed to improving quality of dying, protecting end-of-life rights, and helping Canadians avoid unwanted suffering.

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During September services, 100% of our collection plate will be donated to the St. James Music Academy, whose mission is to inspire Vancouver’s inner city youth and bring social transformation through the power and joy of music.

Outreach Report for June

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Unless otherwise marked on an offering envelope or cheque, 100% of our offering plate donations are given to a different charity each month. During June, we collected $1304 for the David Suzuki Foundation, which works to conserve and protect the natural environment, and help create a sustainable Canada.

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We held no services during the month of July, but will have two summer services at the end of August. Our August collections (unless otherwise marked) will be donated to Dying with Dignity Canada, a human-rights charity committed to improving quality of dying, protecting end-of-life rights, and helping Canadians avoid unwanted suffering.

May Outreach Report

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Each month, 100% of our Sunday morning offering plate collections (unless otherwise designated) are donated to the featured charity for the month. During May, we collected $1,411.60 for the Wish Drop-In Centre, which works to improve the health, safety, and well-being of women who are involved in Vancouver’s street-based sex trade.

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During June, we will collect funds for the David Suzuki Foundation, which empowers people to take action in their communities on the environmental challenges we collectively face.

Pact for a Green New Deal

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The Canadian Unitarian Council is one of 65 organizations that launched this movement on May 6th, calling on Canadians to urge their leaders to:

  • Meet the demands of Indigenous knowledge and science and cut Canada’s emissions in half in 11 years while protecting cultural and biological diversity. 

  • Oversee a rapid, inclusive and far-reaching transition to deeply reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect critical biodiversity.

  • Fully implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

  • Meet the demands of the multiple crises we face, create over a million jobs in the process, leave no one behind and build a better present and future for all of us. 

What You Can Do:

  • Sign the pledge for a Green New Deal and if you are part of an organization, encourage it to endorse and participate. 

  • Help develop a shared vision by joining a town hall near you. Our very own Catherine Strickland is hosting Green New Deal Town Hall at our church at 7pm on Sunday, June 16th. All are invited!!!

  • Help make the climate crisis a federal election issue by pushing political leaders to act.

  • Share this campaign with your networks.

  • On social media use the hashtag #GreenNewDeal.

  • Call on federal election candidates in your riding to support a Green New Deal.