Senior Taxi Rides

The taxi ride program is continuing for at least the coming year (2023-24). It has been funded under the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. This federal grants and contributions program supports projects that are led or inspired by seniors who are making a difference in the lives of others in their communities.

Seniors can use this program to pay for transportation expenses to and from church services and events. The bill for rides go to NSUC.

Thank you to the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program for the funding, which will make a significant difference in the lives of seniors in our community.

For more information, visit New Horizons for Seniors Program – Community-based projects.

Sign up for our a Taxi Rides click HERE. We will then contact you with more information.

March 13th is Bring a Friend Sunday!

It's time to let our light shine a little. As we all ease out of pandemic isolation people everywhere are clearly hungry for depth, meaning, and purpose. Folks need spiritual community. They may not articulate it that way, but that doesn't mean the need isn't there.

They need us. And quite frankly, we need them. We need the influx of perspective and energy. And the world needs all of us together.

This is a unique moment in both the history of the world and the history of NSUC. Let us rise to it. Let us not hide our light under a bushel. That said, we UU's are not often proselytizers. It can be an awkward invitation. It need not be. Think of it as asking someone to go to a wonderful new exhibit at the museum. You could even say, "Hey, there's a new thing going on at church. Do you want to go with me on the 13th?"

Your friend may then have some questions. What is UU? What do you believe? What do you do? This is where the invitation to them turns into a spiritual reflection for you. What a wonderful opportunity for you to reflect on these questions yourself! What do we believe? I'd say a we believe all kinds of things, including that what we do is really important. So what do we do? I invite you to come up with your own answers to that.

When it comes to Sunday Services though, I'll let you know what I would say. It's captured in the call to all souls I started a service with recently (which I will likely run with for a while).

If you value honest ritual… 
Then come, let us make it.
If you find ease in trusted relationship… 
If you unfurl in reflective space…
If you delight in beautiful sound… 
If you strive for earnest justice... 
And if you sparkle in abundant fun…
and who does not? 

Then come, one and all, 
To this care home and carnival of the soul
This service of the North Shore Unitarians.

To partake in honest ritual, and indulge the opportunity to be reflective, to hear beautiful music, and engage in earnest justice and abundant fun, all of which cultivate depth, meaning, and purpose; that is what we do! Oh.. and soup! We also do soup on the 13th! Invite your friend to lunch (with a little church first)!

Let's invite our friends to partake of this bounty. Let's make this world a better place. Let's reflect on why we gather. Let's eat!

~ Rev. Ron Phares

March's Outreach: Our Partner Church in Hungary

March is Partner Church month. Each March we collect donations for the work of the Unitarian Church in Hodmezovasarhely, Hungary. Many of you have enjoyed the hospitality and friendship of our partners on choir tours in 2010 and 2017 as well as other pilgrimages. It will sadden you to learn that Tunde Kiss passed away from lung cancer on February 4th. Her funeral will be held on March 1st in Budapest, so please keep her and her family in your thoughts.

Rev. Csengele Szabo is now the minister in Hodmezovasarhely and the congregation still appreciates our support. There are changes afoot in the whole Partner Church movement and I will let you know what that means to us in a future posting.

Brian Welwood
Chair Partner Church Team

Payment Methods & Instructions:

Calling All Photographers!

Volunteer Photographers Wanted!

Our new Social Media Team is looking for volunteer photographers to provide high quality images we can use in our posts and on our website. 

Ways to help out:

  • Volunteer to attend services and events and take photos of NSUC in action

  • Volunteer to take assigned photos of various subjects 

  • Share photos you’ve already taken that meet our needs


  • Minimum photo resolution: 1280x1024

  • Willing to provide permission to edit and post the photos to the internet (with credit)

  • Specific aesthetic, framing, and subject needs to be discussed

To participate:

Send a short portfolio of your work and how you would be able to help out to