General Meeting September 11th . . . instead of church!

On September 11th, our Membership will hold a General Meeting at 10:30am, instead of our usual church service. But we invite EVERYONE to join us for our first service of the new year the following week (September 18th)l — followed by our annual Corn Roast!

The General Meeting will be for Members (those who have signed our Membership Book). Although anyone may attend the meeting, only Members who meet our Bylaw requirements will be allowed to speak at the meeting and vote.

We sent the original Notice Letter for this meeting to Members on Friday, July 15th, with additional materials sent out on August 27th and September 6th.

If you are unsure of your voting status, contact Janni in the Church Office prior to September 9th.

Lynn Sabourin's Odyssey Address

1pm on Sunday, August 28th by Zoom

You're invited to this special Zoom event in which Lynn Sabourin, our Religious Educator for 40 years and recipient of the prestigious MacLean Award for Excellence in Religious Education, will share her Odyssey address with the Canadian UU Religious Educators (CUURE). Lynn will reflect on her years of service, lessons learned and experiences to pass on to others. Register for this Zoom event HERE or using the button below.

Book Suggestions from Rev. Ron

Hi y'all, I thought you might be interested in some of the books that have been most formative to me. Reading them, you will find many of the themes that you hear from the pulpit on Sunday's (though perhaps more cogently laid out!).

If nothing else, they are excellent and beautiful reads. I would particularly highlight the first.

~ Rev. Ron Phares

Click on an image to see an enlargement and to view the author(s):

And here are the books I’ll be reading this summer:

September 18th - First Sunday Service of the New Church Year AND Corn Roast!

Our Corn Roast theme is “Country”, so we invite you to wear Western garb!

The menu includes corn on the cob, hamburgers (or veggie burgers) with cheese, condiments, salad, refreshments, fruit, and chocolate fountain. We’ll even have welcome-back cake!

Suggested donation: $10 for adults, $5 for children.

Special thanks to the team of volunteers who helped to make this possible, including: Barb Moore, Clair Walsh, Jenn & Dave Ritchie, Jennifer Williams & Lila, Richard Kwan & Mairi, Jill Phares, Melissa Picher Kelly, Shelley Hrdlitschka, Summer Wang, Ruth Sherwood, Michael Watson and Merrick Walsh.

Hot Dog Lunch on June 26th

We are having a hot dog lunch (with a vegan option) and special desserts this Sunday -- our last service before the summer. You're invited to join us for this special year-end celebration! Feel free to wear Hawaiian clothing, if you like. Suggested donations: Adults $10, children & youth $5. There will be activities for kids!

We need several people to help move tables and chairs both before and after the lunch. If you can help, please contact Merrick (778-847-6377).

It Takes Practice: 11am Sunday August 14th

Join BC congregations for a service with Matt Meyer at 11am on Sunday, August 14th at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver.

Our favorite songs were created in a strange alchemy of study and inspiration, of strict practice and of letting go.  Spiritual Practice is a similar combination of dedication, muscle memory, and perhaps a little divine inspiration. Join us for a musical exploration of learning to risk, building courage and the spiritual practice of relationship when things around us are changing fast.

Matt is a musician and worship leader who has led hundreds of services for UU congregations across the country. He has a degree in hand drumming and serves as Director of Community Life for Sanctuary Boston.

Attend in-person at UCV (949 W. 49th Ave) or via livestream at

Ray Pillman's Celebration of Life: June 25th

The Pillman family would like to invite friends and acquaintances to a get together on June 25, 2022 to celebrate the life of our dad and grandfather Ray Pillman. Ray passed away at Lions Gate Hospital on February 23 at the age of 96. We would be pleased to see all of Dad’s friends and acquaintances at 3:30 at the West Vancouver Yacht Club. Children are welcome. It will be casual. Please email us if you can make it. We look forward to seeing you.

best wishes,
Janice, Lynn, Peter and families