Sunday Summer Walks

With Sunday morning services going "on vacation" this summer, let's connect with each other in the great outdoors. Kay and Brian Welwood have volunteered to co-ordinate some walks on Sundays, but can't lead them all — so let us know if you can lead walks on any of the following dates.

All walks would begin at 10:30am and last from 45 minutes to an hour round trip. (OR: You may invite volunteer drivers to meet people seeking carpools at NSUC at 10 am). If you want to lead a walk at a different time or location just let Brian & Kay know and we’ll get the word out.

We suggest that walkers either bring their own snacks and drinks; or find a nearby coffee shop for those who'd like to chat afterward.

Schedule with Possible locations:

Below is a list of dates with locations that are mostly level or have only gentle elevation gains.

If you would be willing to lead one of the walks suggested below, please contact Kay or Brian or leave a message on the church line. Watch the weekly bulletin to see who is leading the Sunday walk.

  • July 2nd: No walk, since this is a holiday weekend.

  • July 9th: Meet at the flagpole @ Grand Boulevard between 13th and 15th Streets in North Vancouver; walk the central pathway.

  • July 16th: Meet in the parking lot of Gleneagles Community Centre; proceed to trailhead for Ocean View Walk in West Vancouver.

  • July 23rd: Meet at the playground in Cates Park; walk the Malcolm Lowry Trail to Little Cates Park and back.

  • July 30th: No walk, but you’re invited to a free Brunch with the Board. Details HERE.

  • August 6th: No walk, since this is a holiday weekend.

  • August 13th: Meet under the Q sign at Lonsdale Quay; walk west on the Spirit Trail to Lower McKay Creek and back.

  • August 20th: Meet at John Lawson Park playground in West Vancouver; walk the West Van Seawall to Dundarave Beach and back.

  • August 27th: Meet at the Wild Bird Trust building in Maplewood Flats Conservation Area; hike the trail circuit.

  • September 3rd: No walk or service, since this is a holiday weekend. But please join us at 10:30am next Sunday for our first Sunday Service of the new church year!

 Hope to see you an any or all of these walks!

Summer Outreach Recipient: Indian Residential School Survivors Society

June through August, we will be collecting donations for the Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS). One hundred percent of our offering plate collections (unless otherwise marked) will be donated to IRSSS now through the end of June. Since we are not holding services in July and August, there will be no offering plate those months — but you’re still invited to donate to IRSS during those months by sending your donation to the church and marking it “Outreach” or “Outreach 100%” or “IRSSS”. (As always, you will receive a tax receipt for your donation).

Find instructions for our various payment methods HERE.


The CUC AGM will take place on Friday, May 19th at 10am (Pacific Time). We are entitled to four voting delegates at the CUC annual meeting.  

Jonathan Fountain, on our behalf, registered four volunteers as delegates:  Brian Funt, Barb Kroon, Kit To, and Linda Vance.  

There are three motions, and a budget proposal. At this time, we are likely to vote in favor of the three motions, as amended in April.

We feel that  the budget, however, needs the clarification of approach and details that we anticipate when presented at the AGM.  We felt it important to update members on the motions under consideration.  

What follows is my (Linda Vance's) brief summary.  I welcome your feedback or questions:

1.  Motion to amend current (2020) bylaws.  The amendments include updating to include provision for digital meeting access, clarification of language, an enhanced description of board Treasurer and Secretary duties, and opens the possibility of hiring a treasurer (unlike all other Trustees who serve as unpaid volunteers).

2.  Motion of CUC Goals and Strategic priorities.  While the initial draft was somewhat problematic, given that there was only one area of social justice, three are now identified — living into the first principle, environmental justice, and refugee support.  Please read motion 2 for details.

3.  CUC Doctrine of Discovery Motion, as updated 4/23.  "The CUC formally repudiates the Doctrine of Discovery, and urges its members to do the same."  The motion endorses a) formal CUC repudiation and addition of CUC to the list of faith organizations that have already done so; b) CUC advocacy for [unspecified] legislative consistent with repudiation. 

Should you wish to attend as an observer, or read through the motions in their entirety, you’ll find more information here.

AGM: Sunday, May 28th at 12:15pm

Our Annual General Meeting will be held at 12:15pm on Sunday, May 28th. Notice Packets were distributed to Members on Wednesday, May 17th. 

If you are a Member of NSUC and did not receive the Notice Packet, please contact Janni in the Church Office or access the packet in the Member area of our website.

Note that Zoom will be available for viewing only. Voting will ONLY be done in person or by proxy. (Zoom participants will need to arrange for voting by proxy with someone who is attending the meeting in person). Zoom participants will also not be able to speak at the meeting.

Access the Proxy form HERE or in the Notice Packet.

Special thanks to Dianne Hicks for providing sandwiches after the service and before the AGM.

Adiemus Choir Concert at NSUC: 7pm Sat. June 3

You’re invited to our Adiemus Choir Concert, featuring members of our Vox Lumina Choir and guests.  This concert will be held in the Sanctuary of the North Shore Unitarian Church. Soloists include:

  • Diana Diaz (Soprano)

  • Evelyn Natacha (Mezzo Soprano)

  • Kathy Griffin (Tenor)

  • Pavol Simoncic (Bass)

Purchase $25 tickets from choir members or the Church Office.  Proceeds beyond expenses will be donated to Family Smart (one of the local mental health non-profits we are collecting for in memory of Dani/Maiken Cooper).

Contact Alison Nixon or the Church Office with questions.