Seniors Taxi Rides Continue

The North Shore Unitarians formed the Seniors’ Taxi Club program in 2022 with funds provided by a Canadian Government Grant under its New Horizons for Seniors program. A second grant application has now been approved (Jan. 2025). The grant will enable the Taxi Club program to continue for at least another year.

By providing free taxi rides, the program helps seniors who either cannot drive or simply feel uncomfortable driving continue to attend NSU services and events.

Thank you to the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program for providing the original funding, which has made a significant difference in the lives of seniors in our community.

For more information on the New Horizons program, visit New Horizons for Seniors Program – Community-based projects.

To sign up for our Taxi Rides click HERE or pick up a sign-up form on the foyer table and return it to Janni in the Church Office. We will then contact you with more information.

Interested in helping on the Heart Mind Spirit Team?

The Heart Mind Spirit (HMS) Team is re-forming. The purpose of the HMS Team is to provide spiritual growth opportunities for adults with programs that deepen our heart connections and inspire actions in the service of life.  If you're interested in being on the Team (or even Chairing it), please contact Marga Hanna or another member of the Board.

Learn more about the HMS Team by reading their Terms of Reference.

Sharing your Joys & Sorrows with the Congregation

Celebrating a special birthday or milestone? 

Have something joyous to share with our congregation? 

Experiencing a profound loss? 

We care about our congregation, and would be happy to share your Joys and Sorrows in a Sunday morning service, so others are aware of what’s going on for you.

You're invited to share your Joys and Sorrows with us in one of two ways:

  1. Write your joy or sorrow in the book (located in the foyer) during the week or on Sunday morning, or 

  2. Email our Church Office (by Friday at 1:30pm) and ask Janni to relay your message to the Service Coordinator.

NOTE:  Only report on someone else's Joys or Sorrows if you have their permission to share their situation with the congregation on Sunday morning.

October Outreach: SeedChange

During our October 1st, service, we collected $842.10 for the Indian Residential School Survivors’ Society.

During the rest of October, we collected $966.56 for SeedChange — a nonprofit that works with farmers to grow just, healthy, sustainable harvests everywhere. Their work includes: keeping seeds in farmers’ hands, strengthening farmers’ knowledge, and helping farming communities to thrive.

Thank you to all who contributed!

Talent Show & Potluck: Sat. October 21st

You're invited to an afternoon/evening of family fun celebrating the many talents in our church community.  

People of all ages are encouraged to attend this event, and to sign up for sharing their talent with us!  Please let us know, below, how many household members will be attending, as well as any acts they would like to share.  

The talent show will take place on Saturday, October 21st from 4:30-5:30pm, with the potluck immediately afterwards (5:30-7pm).  You can sign up for one event or the other -- or better yet, BOTH!

RSVP HERE. Contact Alison Nixon (778-688-2912) with questions.

Scam Alert!

We occasionally see phishing scams and fraudulent texts and/or emails targeting our congregation. The texts or emails pretend to be from a church leader, Board Member, or Staff. The requests often ask the receiver to reply to the message, purchase gift cards, transfer money, or reveal personal banking information. THESE MESSAGS ARE FALSE. Our church staff and leaders will NEVER send you such requests. Unfortunately, these wrong-doers prey on the recipients' good nature and heart.

Here are some things you can do to keep yourself safe:

  • Know that the initial text or email will only ask you to contact them so they can ask for a favor. This is a tactic to see who responds.

  • Once you respond, they will tell you what "favor they need," which usually means spending a large sum of money on something that could be plausible (e.g. gift cards to certain stores or online platforms).

  • If the text or email seems to be from someone you know simply phone or email that person using the phone number or email address listed in Breeze (NOT the one provided in the email or text) to confirm if the message was from them.

  • Contact our Church Office if you have any concerns, or want to verify a request.

  • Block that email or phone number, so you will not receive further messages from that person.

  • Report the email to your email provider as a phishing scam.

  • NEVER provide personal information (such as bank account or credit card numbers) in response to an email, text, or phone call.

Stay safe and vigilant!

Art Appreciation Team Invitation

Our church generates and engages with art in many of its various forms, including music, paintings, fibre arts, crafts, collage, stained glass, photography, writing, and more!  Our Art Appreciation Team (led by Inga Puhlmann, Chair) hosts and visits artistic events -- and you're invited!  

Watch our weekly eBulletins for invitations to local events, such as the one listed below:

10:30am Tues. October 3rd
at West Vancouver Memorial Library
Presentation on Yannick Nezet-Seguin

Our Art Appreciation Team invites you to this local 2-hour event. Nezet-Seguin is a Montreal-born conductor, music director of the Metropolitan Opera, conductor of the Orchestra Metropolitan in Montreal and the Philadelphia Orchestra.  Presented by Neil Ritchie, CBC radio host for 34 years.  Interesting, free and fun. (in Welsh Hall, downstairs).  Come a bit early for good seats. Followed by coffee or lunch at Senior's Centre close by; please look for our table.

Collecting donations for a Thanksgiving Basket for Harvest Project

We are collecting donations for a Thanksgiving Hamper to be given to the Harvest Project, in North Vancouver (to deliver after Thanksgiving Sunday).  Please bring donations to the church between now and October 8th, and leave them in the bins provided under the foyer table. 

The most needed items are:

  • Canned fruit and fruit cups

  • Peanut butter and spreads

  • Cookies, crackers, granola bars

  • coffee (1lb pack ground)

  • flour, sugar, salt, pepper (all 1-2 pound packs maximum)

  • Oil, vinegar (500ml)

  • Breakfast Cereals

  • Soup Broth / Bouillon

  • Rice (1 pound bags)

  • Toothbrushes (individually packed)

  • Toothpaste (regular size)

  • Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner

  • Toilet Paper

  • feminine Hygiene Products

  • Disposable Razors

  • Dish Soap

See the Harvest Project flier HERE, and their website HERE.

Butterfly Garden Work Party: Sat. September 30th

Join Jean Prescott and friends at our butterfly garden Work Party 9:30 to 11:30am on Saturday, September 30th (weather permitting).

What to Wear:

  • Old clothes -dress for the weather

  • garden gloves

  • boots or old shoes

  • knee pads

  • a hat

Bring Tools for Garden and Yard Cleanup:

  • trowels

  • garden rakes

  • edge shovel

  • clippers

We’ll provide cookies, but bring your own coffee or tea, please.

For more info contact Butterfly Ranger Jean Prescott or the Church Office.

Harvest Festival at Loutet Farms

Here’s what Loutet Farms said in a recent blog posting about their Harvest Festival (which takes place from 10am to 2pm on Saturday, September 16th):

At our Harvest Festival on September 16th, we will be hosting a community crop swap in the spirit of the abundance of the season! If you have an abundance of zucchini or more seeds than you can use, or if you are looking to find some veggies that you don't have space to grow, this might be for you! If crop swaps are new to you, here is some more info.⁠

How does a crop swap work? ⁠

Crop swaps are pretty simple, you bring something you would like to share or swap, and you take something someone else has brought along in exchange if you like!⁠

⁠What can I bring?⁠

All crop swaps have different guidelines. For ours people can bring the following:⁠

  • Fruits, vegetables, or flowers that you have grown yourself⁠

  • Cuttings from plants⁠

  • Seeds: either saved by yourself or purchased, must be packaged and clearly labeled⁠

  • Gardening books⁠

⁠We will have a dedicated crop swap table where you can drop off whatever it is you would like to swap, and where you can browse what others have brought. Swaps don't have to be one for one, you could leave your goods there to be picked up by someone later or you could swap with someone who is there when you are. It is up to you! We will have someone stationed at the crop swap table to help answer any questions you might have. You are also very welcome to spend time at the crop swap table chatting to other gardeners and sharing knowledge or skills. You may find someone who is keen to swap some yard work for a box of potatoes from your garden!⁠

⁠Be sure to bring along your own basket or bag to be able to carry things home with you, and if you are leaving items make sure that they are in jars or containers that you are okay parting with if you are not staying to keep an eye on them!⁠