Tree Removal: Cedar "Hedge" has to go!

Brian Welwood (Board Member, and Chair of our Building & Grounds Team) announced today:

“The little cedar hedge at the northwest corner of the church (pictured above) was not really that noticeable when I joined the church over 30 years ago. Now it is over 50 feet in height and projects at least 15 feet over the church roof.

This is a serious fire hazard and contributor to clogged drains that have caused flooding in the corner office — so we’re going to take it down soon.

Brace yourselves for a lot more sunlight for the Butterfly Garden — and Happy Spring!”

Town Hall Meeting: 12:30-1:30 pm on Sunday, April 14th

We hope you will join the Town Hall Meeting on Sunday April 14 from 12:30-1:30pm in the Sanctuary when the Board will present their preliminary thoughts for NSUC’s future.

The four main topics we will discuss are:

  1. Sunday Services

  2. Building and Grounds

  3. Organizational Leadership and 

  4.   Building Community

Following a brief presentation, we will open the session to gather input and suggestions for the future of this beloved of community. This is a Soup Sunday.

We look forward to seeing you there!

April's Outreach Recipient: Ocean Wise

Each month, 100% of our offering plate (unless otherwise noted) is donated to a non-profit organization whose work aligns closely with our values. We call this “Outreach”.

Our Environmental Action Team has identified plastics as one of the greatest concerns they would like to address. April’s Outreach recipient, Ocean Wise, grew out of the work of the Vancouver Aquarium and now has programs in place to research and address plastic pollution in our oceans, as well as other measures to improve marine habitats. They also work to protect whales by minimizing the negative effects of human activities (such as commercial fishing and shipping) on their ability to communicate, navigate, forage, and reproduce.

In 2017, the Vancouver Aquarium expanded to become Ocean Wise, a global conservation organization focused on protecting and restoring our world’s oceans. They do this by improving marine habitat and capturing carbon by monitoring and restoring kelp, tracking plastic and chemical pollution, ocean noise, and organizing shoreline clean-up events.

We raised a total of $1,657.88 for Ocean Wise during the month of April. Special thanks to all who contributed.

March's Outreach: Hollyburn Community Services Society's Programs for Youth

Each month, we donate 100% of our offering plate (unless otherwise marked) to a non-profit organization whose work is in line with our mission. We call this “Outreach”.

During March, we will collect for Hollyburn Community Services Society programs for Youth. Hollyburn provides a continuum of supports to youth, seniors, individuals and families with social vulnerabilities on the North Shore.  They provide lifelong solutions for youth through emergency services, transitional housing, employment and work experience and life and social skill development.  They offer a wide range of services that support youth who are experiencing barriers to successfully transition to adulthood.

Your Voice: Support or Change Proposed CUC Motions?

Three motions are proposed for the May, CUC AGM.  All feedback from congregations and individuals must be submitted by March 15.  No "substantive" changes can be made at the AGM itself, so now is the time!  Delegates Jim Stephenson and Linda Vance will soon host a session so you can voice your support or desired amendments. (Cookies will be provided).

The motions:

  1. From the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto: a motion to add Terra Nullius to the CUC's 2023 resolution on the Doctrine of Discovery.

  2. From Vancouver Unitarians: a motion to defund fossil fuels.

  3. From the CUC Board of Trustees: goals and strategic priorities for 2024 - 2026.

Feedback is ongoing now via congregational dialogues, online discussions, and feedback forms.

The three motions, as well as feedback details, are fully described here:

~ Linda Vance

Easter Celebration Children's Choir

Dear Parents and Grandparents:

Let's celebrate the coming Spring and new life with a project for young people:  an Easter Celebration Children's choir!

We will rehearse for three weeks before Easter on Sundays, March 10th, 17th, and 24th after church from 12:00- 12:45pm.  And then will perform during the Easter service (March 31st).

We will have child care available during the Services on those 3 Sundays, and child-friendly food available for a quick lunch before the rehearsals.

Children between the ages of 5 and 10 are welcome, although if there are older children who would like to sing along, they would be warmly welcomed (and likewise, if there is a 4-year-old who is desperate to join in they are welcome).   

I will select the songs depending on the number and ages of the singers.  I am open to suggestions from the children, but will need to order the music ahead of time. 

If you have children or grandchildren who might be interested, please let me know.

Thank you,
Alison Nixon, Music Director