Let’s not be the best-kept secret on the North Shore !

Our Facebook and Instagram pages are back up & running, with entertaining posts about NSUC events, inspiring quotes and poetry, and interesting UU information. (For example, did you know a Unitarian invented the internet?)  If you use Facebook and/or Instagram, please follow the NSUC accounts, and like and share the posts.  The more you interact with the posts (follow, like, share, and comment) — the farther beyond our NSUC community the posts will spread,  which is part of our ongoing effort to attract new faces to NSUC. 

On Instagram, we are northshorevanunitarians. On Facebook, we are North Shore Unitarians Canada

Adopt a Plant in our Resiliency Garden

Looking for signs of Spring in a hard winter? Help us re-green a section of our grounds
by adopting a plant
in our new Resiliency Garden.

Last year, an ageing cedar hedge was removed from the west side of our main building, in alignment with a FireSmart assessment of our property. What was once a heavily shaded zone on the corner of our building is now open to the sky and direct sun.

Our Environmental Action team commissioned a landscaping design to guide us in replanting this area, seeking recommendations of native species chosen because they are drought-tolerant, fire-resistant, and attractive to birds and pollinators. We hope to enhance a corner of the butterfly garden as well. Total cost for this project is $3,000, which includes plants, soil amendments, and plumbing infrastructure.

Adopt a plant for a $30 donation* to the garden fund by talking to a volunteer after the service during February. Find us each Sunday in the back of the Sanctuary, near the landscape design and plant info cards on display along the east wall. Or you can donate using any of these methods:

  • CASH given to one of the volunteers at the back of the Sanctuary on a Sunday in February or in the offering basket (clearly labeled Garden).

  • CHEQUE made payable to “North Shore Unitarians” with Garden in the note line. Deposit it in the offering basket, or mail it to our Main Office.

  • ETRANSFER sent to info@northshoreunitarians.ca with the word Garden in the notes area.

  • TEXT 604-200-3443 with the dollar amount, a space, and the word Garden in the text string. When prompted, enter your bank account or credit card numbers, name, etc.

*Note: You will receive a tax receipt for your donation.

If you have questions about any of these payment methods, contact Janni in our Main Office.

~ Your Environmental Action Team

February's Outreach: North Shore Crisis Services Society

Each month, 100% of our Sunday morning collection plate is donated to a charity whose mission is in line with our values. We call this “Outreach”.

During the month of February, we will collect donations for the North Shore Crisis Services Society. They operate transition housing (SAGE) and second-stage housing programs and support for women and families leaving violence on the North Shore. The North Shore Crisis Services Society recognizes that violence against women and children is a societal issue, and that equality for women is at the heart of a healthy society.

Please place your donations in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. If you use another payment method (such as eTransfer or text giving), please mark your donation as “Outreach” so we apply the funds correctly.

Movie Night

Gather friends & family, or come solo — and immerse yourself in thought-provoking cinema curated by the seasoned team of Brian McConnell and Andrea Fast.


  • February 7th

  • February 28th

  • March 28th


Doors open At 6:45 PM. Movie starts at 7:15 PM.


370 Mathers Ave in West Vancouver — the Home of North Shore Unitarians


$20 per show. Purchase tickets at the door — or from Andrea Fast on Sunday mornings at NSU. (All proceeds support the NSU community)

What’s Included?

Light Refreshments and a “Talk Back” after the show. Join us for an open discussion to share your thoughts and insights on the film.

Why Attend? 

Each film selection, always less than 2 hours, promises to captivate and inspire, featuring:

  • Timeless Themes: Explore moral dilemmas and essential questions.

  • Award-Winning Films: Enjoy selections recognized at prestigious film festivals.

  • Socio-Culturally Relevant Content: Engage with stories that reflect our life and world today.

  • Films generally not available on free streaming services.


Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy great films and connect with fellow movie lovers! Bring a friend and be part of our vibrant community.

Reserve your spot today and help support the North Shore Unitarians! For more info, contact us at andreafast@shaw.ca or Brian 604-721-1417.


Guitar Interest Group: Tuesdays at 7pm through Feb. 25th

(aka “Life on six strings”, aka “The joy of six”)

Announcing a new interest group about all things guitar, the world’s most popular musical instrument. This will be a weekly, one-ish hour meetup in the sanctuary, hosted by Paul Sungaila.

No instrument and no skills necessary, though you’re welcome to bring an instrument if you like. We’ll do some combination of three things:

Tuesdays, 7 to 8-ish pm in the Sanctuary

(Last session: February 25th)

Questions? Call Paul Sungaila 604-785-6542.

NSUC Goes to the Theatre!

You’re invited to the Saturday, 15 February matinee (2 pm) of “GRANDMA. GANSTA. GUERILLA.” – a new play at Presentation House Theatre, 333 Chesterfield Avenue, North Vancouver.

From the Presentation House website:

This ain’t a sob story about war crimes, dementia, nor getting old. It’s a sprint down the memory lane of a butt-kickin’, bar-spittin’, tough grandma who escapes the care home to be with her family. When our favourite Filipino grandma Lola Basyang goes missing, it’s up to her grandchildren Nika and Jun-jun to bring her back to safety. Using their lola’s unfinished memoir, they find clues to her whereabouts, her full-of-beans origin story and the historical turmoils of their motherland. Reminiscent of their immigration stories, they reflect on what it means to maintain family ties in a Western society.

Tickets are sliding scale, $20- $50 (depending on what you’d like to pay).  The amount you pay doesn’t affect the location of your seat in the theatre.  You can select any seat you like, but for the purposes of sitting with your NSUC friends, we suggest you choose a seat in row  D (seats 8-14) or row E (seats 8-14).

If you’d like to attend, please purchase your own ticket(s) directly from Presentation House Theatre.  You can buy tickets online at Box Office - Presentation House Theatre, or by telephone, 604-990-3474.  Presentation House accepts Visa and MasterCard. There is no booking fee for phone or online purchases.

We’ll meet to discuss the play after the service on Sunday, 16 February.

Please email Pamela Berg (pamelaberg99@gmail.com) to let her know you’ll be attending, or if you have any questions.

A FUNfest concert: Ask the Wind (Jan. 10th)

You’re invited to this FUNfest concert with North Shore Unitarians on Friday, January 10th.

Doors open at 6:45pm, concert starts at 7:30pm.

Cost: $20/person for NSUC members, or $25/person for people not affiliated with North Shore Unitarians. (Hosted by Rebecca Lindley & Jel Coward).

"Ask The Wind", a dynamic folk trio consisting of Maya (fiddle), Daniel (guitar and vocals), and Atlin (piano and vocals), is rooted in folk, country, Celtic, and jazz, drawing inspiration from lived experiences and grand stories.

Maya’s passion for the fiddle began at three, influenced by local youth fiddlers’ celtic tunes and reignited in Vancouver’s vibrant musical community.

Daniel, from Alberta's prairies, started guitar at seven, performed at the Calgary Folk Festival at thirteen, and played with Tommy Emmanuel in Nashville at twenty-eight.

Atlin, blending classical training with influences from Radiohead to Ella Fitzgerald, adds a unique vocal and instrumental texture.

Together, they create music that evokes nostalgia, excitement, heartbreak, and joy, offering rich narratives and emotional depth in every performance. Join Ask The Wind on a journey through their enchanting melodies and captivating stories.

Ukulele Classes: Thursdays from 6:30-7pm January 16th - February 20th

Alison Nixon, our Music Director, is starting another Ukulele Class on January 16th and continuing through February 20th. Classes will be held weekly on Thursdays from 6:30-7pm in the Sanctuary. 

This class is wonderfully joyful, and works well for students who are at the beginning to intermediate level.

Register HERE.

Contact Alison Nixon or the Church Office with questions.

January Outreach Report: Congregational Support Fund

During January 2025, we raised a total of $1,728.38 for the Congregational Support Fund, which is used to help congregants with a variety of life needs including groceries and utilities.

Applications for support should be made to Leslie Whyte (whyteleslie326@gmail.com).

Use of this fund is kept in strict confidence, so applicants are not discussed with the Board or other members.

If you or anyone you know might benefit from this assistance, please contact Leslie Whyte (whyteleslie326@gmail.com).