Each month, we raise funds for a different non-profit organization whose mission is in line with our principles. We call this “Outreach”. Unless otherwise noted, half of each month’s offering plate collections are given to the Outreach Recipient for that month.
During the 2017 year, we collected the following amounts for our Outreach recipients:
January: $1,075 for the Paul Sugar Palliative Support Foundation.
February: $1,399 for the WISH Drop-in Centre
March: 100% of donations ($3,441) to our Partner Church in Hungary
April: $1294 to the Unitarian Service Committee Canada
May: $852 to McLaren Housing Society
June: $604 to the North Shore Women's Centre
July: (No church services)
August: $562 to Child Haven International
September: $803 to Kwi Awt Stelmexw
October: $1,196 to Sheway
November: $917 to the North Shore Lookout Shelter
December: 100% of donations ($3,275) went to our Minister's Discretionary Fund