An important message from Rev. Ron regarding our March 15th service

Greetings Beloveds,

I am glad that we prepared to go digital this week as an augmentation to our regular service. As it happens we are ONLY DOING DIGITAL church this week. Please do not come to North Shore for services tomorrow. I have been informed that it is increasingly likely that the North Shore is about to see a rapid increase in verified cases of COVID 19 and that it is indeed the case that people are contagious prior to manifesting symptoms. 

Church is AMAZING! And our coming together is precious. It will be lonely without you all. But this stay of gathering is only temporary, and all the more so if we all take precautions. We care about your health and know that you care about each other's health as well. So for now, we will gather only virtually. 

Tomorrow at 10:30 you will see Ryan Gunther's smiling face on our live youtube broadcast ( Within a few lines, I am sure he will illicit a chortle from you. And thusly, we will enter into a new mode of being together. We will find ways to hold one another without holding one another. We will persevere and find new opportunities in the midst of disruption. 

Keep in mind, as a congregation, we have been preparing for this moment for months. How? Well, to find that out, you'll have to tune in at 10:30 on Sunday morning. 

Yours in faith,

Rev. Ron Phares

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