Does the church close when it snows?

When weather is bad, our main concern is for the safety of our congregants.  It is up to each individual to determine whether or not they feel safe coming to church in inclement weather depending on the temperature, wind conditions, road conditions, vehicle type, tire type, level of experience driving in snow, and other factors.

On rare occasions, church services (and other church events) may be CANCELLED due to poor weather conditions, road closures, snow, and power outages.  On a Sunday, the decision will be made by 8:30am.  

If a Service is cancelled, we will try to notify the congregation several ways, including:

  • Posting a message on our website’s Home page.

  • Emailing congregants on our eBulletin email list.

  • Changing the message on our phone’s answering machine. 

  • Encouraging “word of mouth” communications. 

Unforeseen situations may prevent these methods of communication, in which case we will use whatever means we can to notify congregants of the closure.

Church events other than Sunday Services may be cancelled for bad weather at the determination of the event leader.  It is the responsibility of the event leader to communicate the cancellation with the participants.

Staff are likely to work from home if it is snowing.