Our B&G Team has been busy this summer!

Our Building & Grounds Team has been hard at work this summer!  Here's a list of their recent accomplishments:

  1. Brian Welwood and family members Kay and Clayton dismantled the Kuddles shed (which was crushed by falling cottonwood branches) and took it to the dump.

  2. Brian McConnell, Brian Welwood and David Pratt dismantled and reinstalled the skylights on the preschool building.

  3. Brian McConnell and David Pratt are getting quotes on repairing two roof patches on the preschool roof.

  4. Mark Rosario completed the upstairs washroom re-installation this week. 

  5. Timberline Tree Services will remove the cottonwood this week (as its falling branches destroyed a shed and pose a safety hazard).

  6. Removal of the cedar hedge will follow soon.

  7. Brian Welwood completed a walk-around with a rep from our insurer (this hadn't been done since 2016). 

  8. Work by Mark Rosario on the southwest corner will begin next week.

Special thanks to Brian Welwood for coordinating all of this work!