Town Hall October 6th

In our Fall Newsletter, Barrie Forbes (our Board President) announced this:

“Another major project – a complete organizational review and marketing strategy – requires more hard work and input from the whole congregation before anything gets cast in stone.  As you’ve likely read, sociologists suggest that many people ‘out there’ are looking for a real-life community such as ours – full of well-intentioned people who think deeply about both spiritual and personal/societal issues.  But those same people don’t know we’re here.  Indeed, we may just be the “best-kept secret” on the North Shore! 

 At the Town Hall you’ll hear terms like ‘spiritual but not religious’, ‘target’ programming and marketing, ‘social’ media and other communication strategies.  They all relate to ways and means for us to connect with people who might want our liberal approach to community and spirituality.  I believe this will be a seminal moment in the life of NSUC and will set us on a path to the future.  So, mark your calendar – we want everyone to engage in this discussion so we can continue to thrive.”

Please join us for this Town Hall discussion following the Sunday Service on October 6th.