Mythology Then & Now -- 5 Tuesdays Oct. 29 - Nov. 26

7-9pm on five Tuesdays:
October 29th through November 26th
in the Sanctuary

(sorry this event is not available by Zoom).

Enrich your life with the excitement of powerful ideas and masterful story telling!  Joseph Campbell, in a five-part series, explores “The Shaping of our Mythic Traditions”.   Explore our own mythic journey and the richness of First Nations rituals and religion.  Examine our primal and spiritual impulses.  Trace the ancient roots of Judeo-Christian traditions and their life renewing energies.   

Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) focused his life on exploring and understanding mythology and comparative religions.  He believed in a common pattern beneath the narratives of the great myths, and that the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.  His work examined the universal functions of myth in various human cultures.

Each session will begin with a 50-minute recorded presentation by Joseph Campbell followed by a discussion of the ideas presented in the video facilitated by Marga Hanna.

Sign up HERE.

Facilitated by Marga Hanna, a retired University Professor, Art Therapist and Trauma Therapist.  During her graduate work she studied at Pacifica University which maintains the Joseph Campbell’s archives.