Scheduled Breeze Maintenance: 7-9 PM Thursday, March 27th

Breeze is doing a scheduled maintenance upgrade on Thursday, March 27th from 7-9pm Pacific Time. Breeze will not work while this 2-hour upgrade is underway, but will be back in service and better than ever after the upgrades are complete.

Here’s what to expect during maintenance:

  • You will not be able to access your Breeze account

  • Emails and/or text messages scheduled to send during the maintenance window will send after completion

  • Online Giving will not process, and attempts will result in an error

This outage will include updates to Breeze that will enhance the reliability and performance going forward.

(If you are a contributing congregant and would like access to Breeze, please reach out to Janni in the Main Office. Janni will confirm by phone that you are really you [not a scammer], and can then set you up with Breeze access).