Roots, Reflections, Relationships - An Environmental Justice Journey
Led by retired DRE, Katie Covey, this is a week long UU "mission" style trip to Pasadena, CA where a group of 25 youth and adults will partner with Throop Unitarian Church and other community leaders to explore the theme of environmental justice, all the while focusing on developing ongoing relationships, learning skills, and engaging in hands on justice work in solidarity with local experts and advocates.
If you answered “Yes,” or better yet, “Hell yes!” to any of the above, then the new PWR Justice Journey is for you!
Logistics: Sat. night, July 14 - Sunday afternoon, July 22, 2018 at Throop Unitarian Universalist Church 300 S. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101
Cost is $550.00 per person for 8 days. All meals, lodging at the church, local transportation. (Air and ground Transportation to the Throop Church is not included.)
Staff: Eric Bliss, PWR Youth Specialist, Rev. Jae Scott, Buddhist minister and UU Religious Educator, Katie Covey, PWR Mission Trip Lead.
The Pacific Western Region Mission Trip provides an opportunity to practice environmental sustainability in the unique permaculture urban garden at Throop, as well as a variety of community projects and events. Once a barren corner, now it is a flourishing site co-partnered with Transition Pasadena. In addition, the group will engage in centering meditative UU and Buddhist practices as developed by Rev. Jae Scott’s Mutuality Movement as a way to build a lifelong foundation for justice work and compassionate understanding.
Come participate in a unique, transformative week and walk our talk!
Registration Deadline is Nov. 20, 2017
Payment: A $50.00 non-refundable deposit is due by Nov. 20, 2017. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first served basis with the additional provision of accepting participants from marginalized populations.
More information HERE, or contact: Katie Covey, PWR Mission Trip Lead at