Outreach Update

During March, we raised $1,577.05 for our Partner Church in Hungary.  Thank you to all who contributed!

In April, 100% of our Sunday morning collection plate (unless otherwise marked) will be donated to the David Suzuki Foundation in memory of Rev. Dr. Phillip Hewett.  Through evidence-based research, education and policy analysis, the David Suzuki Foundation works to conserve and protect the natural environment, and help create a sustainable Canada. 

Canadian Unitarian Council's National Voice Team Makes a Statement

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Many Canadians were shocked when two separate juries returned 'not guilty' verdicts in the deaths of Colten Boushie and Tina Fontaine this month - both accused were charged with second-degree murder and acquitted. Many have called this an injustice, and demanded a review and reform of the jury system. 

The Canadian Unitarian Council'S National Voice Team offers THIS STATEMENT.

Outreach Update

During the month of February, we collected $1,267.10 for the Wild Bird Trust of BC.  Thank you to all who gave generously to this organization, which manages the Conservation Area at Maplewood Flats in North Vancouver on the Unceded Territory for the Tsleil-Waututh Nation. 

During March, 100% of funds collected in the Sunday morning offering plate will be donated to our Partner Church in Hungary.  

CUC National Conference, May 18-20th in Hamilton, Ontario

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Be a part of the national Unitarian conversation!  

Please consider representing NSUC as a delegate to the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Unitarian Council this May. While you may wish to travel to Ontario to attend the conference in person, it’s possible to participate as a delegate from home through a videoconference connection. Contact Marcia Stephenson if you are interested in serving as one of our four delegates this year.

The CUC’s National Conference & Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the national gathering of Unitarians and Unitarian Universalists in Canada. The conference takes place every other year in May over the Victoria Day weekend. Young Adult events, the CanUUdle Youth Conference, and programs for Junior Youth and children happen during the weekend, with other trainings taking place before the conference.

More info:


The Conference has two components:

1.      The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the CUC is the business meeting where delegates gather to discuss and decide on resolutions, finances, and other matters that affect the CUC. The AGM is held on the Friday before the start of the Conference, and is preceded by the Resolutions Plenary on Thursday evening. For more information about the Resolutions Process, check out the Governance – Resolutions Process section of the CUC website.

2.      The second component is the biennial Conference, which takes place every other year. A variety of learning and development opportunities and workshops are offered by leaders from within and without our movement, including a a multi-generational day.

Location 2018: 

McMaster University, Hamilton ON.


Pre-Conference Trainings: May 16-18 (Our Whole Lives and Chaplains)

Conference:  May 18 – 20; AGM Friday, May 18


Adult registration rates (including meals) for 2018 are as follow:
*Early-bird – $300 (until April 7)
*Regular – $325 (April 8 – May 5)

Check cuc.ca for Young Adult, Youth, and Children’s Rates


Accommodations will be at McMaster University, Rates will be under $80 per person (not included in conference registration). Check CUC website for link to booking.


Networking sessions are scheduled for early Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Saturday workshop streams will take place in the morning and afternoon. Sunday multigenerational workshops will take place after the multi-gen lunch.

Questions About the CUC Conference?

Please e-mail: conference@cuc.ca


Change in Outreach

At our Congregational Meeting on January 28, 2018, our members approved the 2018 budget, which included donating 100% of our Sunday morning offering plate to the monthly Outreach charity, unless otherwise indicated on the offering envelope.  This is a change from how we've been doing it these past few years (where unless otherwise marked we split the offering plate 50-50 between our church and the monthly Outreach charity).



Please take Darwin's online survey!

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Earlier this afternoon, congregants were sent an important memo (read it HERE) regarding Darwin's proposed redevelopment of the Winter Club property, which would include our new church building.  We urge everyone to visit www.NSWCLands.ca to learn more and take the ONLINE SURVEY as soon as possible to express your views.  And please ask others to do so, as well.  Survey results will influence how the District responds to Darwin's proposal.  The survey closes February 16th, so please act now!