June Outreach Report

Each month, we donate 100% of our offering plate (unless otherwise marked) to a nonprofit organization whose mission is in line with our principles.  During June, we collected $1,455.05 for the Rainbow Refugee Society, a Vancouver based community group that supports people seeking refugee protection in Canada because of persecution based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or HIV status.  

We are not holding regular church services during July, so our next Outreach campaign will take place in August when we raise funds for "Are You Syrious" -- a local group that's sponsoring a Syrian Refugee family.  

Summer Newsletter Available!

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Our Summer Newsletter is available online HERE or in print on our foyer table.  It contains important information about what's happening here over the summer, as well as news about recent events.  We've said goodbye to Revs. Marcus & Emily Hartlief, and are welcoming the Rev. Dr. Barbara Wells ten Hove -- our Consulting Minister for the next year.  More info in the newsletter!


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On May 18th, four delegates from our congregation participated in the AGM of the Canadian Unitarian Council without leaving the comfort of our own sanctuary. We watched the proceedings on the pull-down screen in the chancel (thanks for tech support, Janni) and cast our votes via Google Drive in real time. Joy Silver, Sunny Wachowski, Rebecca Lindley, and Marcia Stephenson represented NSUC at the virtual meeting.  Here's a brief recap:

2018 CUC National Conference and Annual General Meeting

Over the weekend of May 18-21, 2018, more than 280 Canadian Unitarian adults, and 75 youth and youth advisors gathered in Hamilton ON for the CUC’s National Conference. Together, they explored the conference theme of “Invitation to Love and Justice” through workshops, networking and worship. They also elected a new Board of Trustees, collected over $7,000 for three charities, presented grants and awards, and enjoyed social events presented by members of the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton.

The Annual General Meeting, for the second year, had full online participation and voting capability. There were over 100 delegates, both onsite in Hamilton and online via Zoom web meeting platform. Twelve congregations participated online.

A new member congregation was welcomed into the Canadian Unitarian Universalist community. The Nelson Unitarian Spiritual Centre in British Columbia was affirmed as a full member congregation at the Annual General Meeting.

For more information about the Canadian Unitarian Council, visit https://cuc.ca/.




Announcing our June Outreach Recipient

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Each month, our church raises funds for a nonprofit organization whose mission is in line with our principles.  During the month of June, 100% of our offering basket contents, unless otherwise marked, will be donated to the Rainbow Refugee Society, a Vancouver based community group that supports people seeking refugee protection in Canada because of persecution based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or HIV status. 

Outreach Update

Each month, we select a different charity to raise funds for.  100% of our Sunday morning offering plates (unless otherwise marked) are given to the charity for the month.  We call this "Outreach".

During April, we raised $1,847.35 for the David Suzuki Foundation in memory of Rev. Phillip Hewett.  Thank you to all who gave generously!

In May, we will collect for the WISH Drop-In Centre whose mission is to improve the health, safety and well-being of women who are involved in Vancouver’s street-based sex trade.  100% of your Sunday morning donations (unless otherwise marked) will be donated to WISH.