Social Justice Workshop: Sun. November 26th

The Workshop will be on Sunday November 26th from 12 noon to 1:30 pm.

A vital congregation is like a small village: nurturing and caring for the people within its walls, as well as to the communities that surround it.

Our Board has decided to focus on an Environmental action issue and a Social Justice issue so as to not spread ourselves too thin. Barb Kroon is the Board Member liaison with the Environmental Action Team, and Elain Duvall is the Board liaison with the Social Justice Team. Alison Nixon has offered to help the Social Action Team focus attention on the issues we as a church think are most important.

After church on Sunday November 26th, Alison will lead us in a short workshop to determine a Social Justice "Mission", for the congregation. She hopes that by the end of the workshop we will have determined a Social Justice Focus, and have some early ideas of ways we can support that focus.

In preparation for this important work, Alison asks that you consider various Social Justice Causes — AND  hold them lightly. Be prepared to change your mind and embrace others' ideas as we all listen deeply to each other.

There will be sandwiches available after church that day, which you can bring up to the Sanctuary (along with tea and coffee) for the workshop .

November's Outreach: Food Stash

Each month, 100% of our offering plate collections (unless otherwise noted) are given to a nonprofit organization whose mission is in line with our values. We call this “Outreach”.

During the month of November, our Outreach Recipient will be Food Stash, a Vancouver-based nonprofit that collects over 100,000 pounds of food per month that would have gone to waste, delivering it to charity partners and households weekly. Learn more at their website:

You are invited to an Art Appreciation brainstorming session - date TBD

We are planning a meeting for early in the new year — and you are invited: art makers, appreciators, writers, crafters, poets, movie makers, dancers, musicians, photographers and creative thinkers. . .

Please join us for a fun brainstorming session to create art related activities, shows and events at NSUC for 2024.

Watch this space (and the weekly eBulletins) for the date/time as the new year gets closer.

~Inga Puhlmann
Art Appreciation Team

Learn more about SeedChange (this month's Outreach recipient)

Join Marcia Stephenson in the Sanctuary after church October 29th to find out more about the history of SeedChange (formerly the Unitarian Service Committee Canada) and the role played by founder Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova. Viewer Advisory: we will watch a CBC documentary that includes graphic historical footage of victims of war and famine.

Donations can be made directly to SeedChange or through NSUC this month.

October 16th was World Food Day. WATCH a SHORT VIDEO about World Food Day and Seedchange. Farmers and seeds are the lifeline of our food supply chain. But farming is also hard work that requires year-round investment. Without farmers and seeds, THERE IS NO FOOD.

You can donate directly to SeedChange, or through NSUC during the month of November.

New-ish to our church? Welcome!

After the services on most Sundays, we invite people who are new-ish to our church to stop by our new "Welcome Table" for coffee or tea. Board members will be there to informally chat, share, and answer questions you may have about us.  Look for them downstairs in the Fireside Room, at a table with a white tablecloth.

~ Liz Moffitt, Board Welcoming Liaison

Ceilidh: November 25th

Alison Nixon and Bob Rentz are hosting a Ceilidh (pronounced “Kay Lee”) from 4:30 - 6pm on Saturday, November 25th — and the whole family is invited!

Come prepared for snacks, music, and dancing! Alison and her violin students will provide music, and Bob will “call” the dance steps.  (No prior dance experience needed). 

Suggested donation is $10 per adult (children are free); proceeds go to the church. Please bring finger food snacks to share with the group. Contact Alison with questions.



Guitar Group (and other stringed instruments)

Do you remember the songs that marked the highs and lows of your life? Your first love? Nursing a broken heart? Mourning the loss of a friend? Gazing at your first child? I’ll bet there’s a song or two for each. 

Guitar songs are the heart of our culture. Songs about love and desire. Songs of despair, hope, triumph. Songs for work, for play, for celebrating, protesting, and grieving. Songs of laughter and singalongs. 

I’d like to start a new group that meets weekly or biweekly to play and discuss guitar songs of the past 50 years. I suggest we spend about half our time playing, and half listening and discussing. We’ll try playing songs in a standard jam format. Go around the circle, people suggesting, and if so inclined, leading the group in song. 

I’m calling this a “guitar” group, but all stringed instruments are welcome (ukulele, harp, violin, mandolin, etc.) Sorry, no electronics, sticks, or keys. 

The other half of our time will be spent listening to recordings (and each other!). Bring your laptop/iPad/iPod/Walkman with songs to share. 

Introductory meeting: Wednesday October 18, 6 - 7 pm in the Sanctuary. Time and venue may change. The ONLY requirement is an interest in popular music in general, guitar songs in particular. No instrument necessary. 

I’m stoked! Are UU? 

Stay tuned. Kind regards, Paul Sungaila. Feel free to call me with questions: 604-785-6542