Empowerment & Expression in a Trauma-Informed Community: Sunday, January 15th

Our JEDI Team invites you to this FREE (or by donation) workshop, but pre-registration is required. Please email sam@samdarling.com to register.

This in-person workshop with Sam Darling explores rupture and repair and how confident self-expression nurtures radical inclusion.

Community is built on connection and trust. We may think that connection will be threatened by ruptures to it, ruptures we must prevent as leaders. However, in the dynamic space of rupture real connection is made possible – because of the essential work of repair. Being trauma-informed in our leadership enables communities to face the hard work of justice and care and what it takes to welcome, not avoid, rupture.

This workshop is for those who want to be empowered in their communities in embracing truth-telling, healing wrongs, and building environments of safety and reconnection. Participants will learn how to use their inherent gifts as creative and heart-centered individuals to make spaces that are welcoming and whole.

Please email Sam if you’d like to attend the January 15th session (1-4pm in the Sanctuary).


Sam Darling was born in France and raised by a notable family of artists and doctors, and she traveled the world shadowing her mother's opera career. When they settled in New York City Sam embarked on her own theatrical career as a teen. Sam switched to a career as a screenwriter in Los Angeles on award-winning film and television programs all through her twenties. Sam switched gears again in her thirties to work as a science communicator for a large university in New Zealand. She traveled the planet with her own progeny and eventually settled in Canada in 2014. She has a Bachelor of Science (high honors) from Emerson College (1996), a Certificate in Adult Education from UFV (2023), and a lifetime of experience with a wide range of cultures.

Sam is secular and evidence based but leaves the possibility of magic in what happens when heart-centered people influence the world and each other. She wants to empower you to make a difference.