Nonviolent Communication

Catherine Strickland’s introduction to Nonviolent Communication course is full for the November-December 2022 session, but you can add your name to the waitlist for the next session (which will likely be offered in early 2023).

Our community is struggling with conflict and divisions that have arisen over the last couple of years. Members have experienced hurt and even trauma that has not been repaired or addressed. We are all wanting to build an inclusive space where everyone who wants to be here feels welcome. And yet, we lack the skills and practices, as individuals and a collective, to repair the harm we have caused, heal from the hurt we have experienced and rebuild the trust that has been lost.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a skill, a practice and a consciousness that supports us to navigate conflict, repair relationships and speak our truth in ways that uphold our values as Unitarian Universalists.

This is being offered as a fundraiser for NSUC on a gift economy basis. To learn more about the gift economy and how it works, check out Necessary Trouble Collective’s description here.