Inclusivity Action Group with the CUC

It’s time to bring the 8th Principle to life and transform our communities into beacons of diversity. The CUC has several tools and opportunities to empower your journey.

Joining an action group is a chance to meet with other people interested in co-creating inclusive spaces and experiences. Action Groups introduce people with lived experience to their allies but what happens next is up to you.

We’ll open each of our 3 sessions with guided discussion around implementing change, followed by ample time to dialogue and plan future actions as individuals, groups, congregations and/or Canadian UUism as whole.

  • Choose the type of inclusivity you’d like to focus on: Race, Colonialism, Age, Disability, Non-traditional families/relationships, Class, Engaging Men in Inclusivity Action and Gender.

  • Attend each of the three networking sessions that take place at 4pm on these 2023 Wednesdays: February 1 (Getting Started), Moving Through Hurt (April 5), and Addressing Resistance (June 7). Each session will open with a guided discussion about implementing change, followed by ample time to discuss and plan future actions as individuals, groups, congregations and/or Canadian UUism as whole.

  • With your group, determine an action you’d like to take together or separately. Return to the larger group and share learnings and resources.

Sign up for an Inclusivity Action Group HERE. (When you register for the first networking session, you will automatically be enrolled in sessions two and three. You cannot join the action group after the first session takes place.)