Uncolonizing Climate Action Group with the CUC

Do you want to deepen your understanding of how to uncolonize your climate justice practice?

In the Canadian Unitarian Council’s (CUC) upcoming Uncolonizing Climate Action sessions, you will make connections with others who are taking steps to unite their work regarding Right Relations with Indigenous peoples with their Climate Change activism.  

One of the CUC Elders, Dave Skene, will join CUC Social Justice Lead Erin Horvath for each of the sessions. He will help us broaden our understanding of what uncolonizing and decolonizing looks like in this context. 

Some of the areas we will address are:

  • What we mean by colonization, decolonization, and uncolonization

  • Identifying colonial characteristics in our movements

  • Settler wounds of disconnection from Mother Earth

  • Amplifying Indigenous leadership.

Here’s how it works:

  • Attend two networking sessions in 2023. They will take place at 4pm on these Wednesdays: March 1 and May 3.

  • Learn, discuss, and expand your thinking.

  • Determine the next step you’d like to take individually or as a group.

  • Decide if and/or how you’d like to continue to connect with members of the group once the three sessions have been completed.

Register for the Uncolonizing Climate Action Group HERE by February 15th.