You’re invited to a family potluck in the Fireside Room at 6pm on Saturday, December 3rd. Roasted turkey will be provided. Contact Merrick Walsh or Janni in the Church Office to find out which of the following side dishes and desserts are still needed:
Vegetable Platter
Tortilla Chips and Salsa Sauce
Brussel Sprouts
Caesar Salad with Dressing
Ethnic Dish
Green Peas
Roast Potatoes
Sushi with Soya Sauce, Ginger and Wasabi
Sweet Desserts such as Cakes, Pies, Brownies, Cookies
Cheese and Crackers
Fruit such as Strawberries, Watermelon, Apples, Grapes
Milk, Cream & Soy Cream for coffee and tea
It also would be nice to have someone help with music (which would involve printing off sheets of Christmas carols, and providing some kind of music background). Perhaps the group could sing the Christmas Carols from 5 PM to 6 PM, while the kitchen crew puts the finishing touches on the food. If you can help with music, please let Merrick know.