Easter Pageant Rehearsals

We’re looking for some youngsters (young chronologically or young at heart) to act in our Easter pageant. Three of our youth members have created a fun and funny script that celebrates spring, renewal and a change of heart. There are a few speaking roles and lots of opportunities to dance, sing and have fun. No need to sign up, simply come to our first rehearsal in a Spirit Zone on Sunday morning, March 20th following the 10:30am service.

A new session of Mindful Weight Loss begins March 29th

5:30 - 6:30pm on 10 consecutive Tuesdays
March 29th - May 31st

Registration Deadline:
March 29th

Need to shed a few pounds? You’re not alone!

Janni Kretlow is hosting another “Mindful Weight Loss” session, which will take place on Zoom for 10 consecutive Tuesdays, from 5:30 to 6:30pm. In these sessions, we won’t recommend any specific diet or exercise program. Instead, we’ll provide accountability, motivation, and support.

Each week, we’ll explore a different aspect of Mindfulness, using it to deepen our enjoyment in life and help us achieve a healthy mindset and weight.

You’re invited to this FREE event (sponsored by our Heart Mind Spirit Team and facilitated by Janni Kretlow), but registration is required. More info and sign up HERE by March 27th.

Inward Bound


Our next session will be held at 10am on Saturday,
June 25th in the Fireside Room

Want to enrich your spiritual journey beyond the Sunday experience using discussion, shared experiences, music, readings and sharing of ideas.  Our sessions are open to all those who want to deepen their spiritual journey and find greater meaning and purpose in their lives. At each session, the topic is introduced, followed by a moderated discussion.  This is participatory - not a reflection or lecture.

Please contact Leslie Gibbons (lesliesgibbons@gmail.com) with questions about this event.

Fall Office Hours

(Updated September 9, 2022)

Our office is generally open from at least 9:30am to 1pm (if not longer) Monday through Friday. Occasionally, staff work from home or have offsite meetings, so you’re welcome to phone first (604-926-1621) before coming to visit us.

You can reach staff via email on their work days:

Don't be scammed into buying gift cards or sharing banking info!

Our staff and church leaders will NEVER ask for money or gift cards via email. If you receive an email from someone asking for money or gift cards, or personal information, please do not reply to the email or take any action! Assume these emails are scams.

If you’re ever in doubt about the validity of an email, DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINKS or reply to it. (When in doubt, phone the person who supposedly sent the email). And definitely don’t buy any gift cards or share your credit card or banking information with anyone!

HERE are some additional tips about the Top 10 Scams in Canada, and how to avoid them.

Butterfly Garden Work Party - Volunteers Needed!

Join us March 12th between 10am and 4pm for a Butterfly Garden Work Party!

All ages are invited to join us any time between 10am - 4pm on March 12th to help us move soil and build up the garden bed. Knee pads and gloves are encouraged. Bring these tools if you can: wheelbarrow, metal rake, shovel, spade, trowel (labelled with your name). Contact Jean Prescott or Marcia Stephenson of the EA Team to let them know you're planning to attend.

We’ll provide tea, coffee and snacks. You're welcome to bring a lunch. (The image shown here is a Western Tiger Swallowtail).

February 2022 Outreach Report

Each month, we donated 100% of our Sunday morning collections (unless otherwise marked) to a different charity. During the month of February, we collected $1,262 for the Vancouver Community Foundation’s “Black Students in Canada” fund. Special thanks to all who contributed, whether by Texting your donation, sending it via eTransfer, cheques, and cash.

For more information about the Black Students in Canada Fund, click HERE.